yeah, Alhamdulillah, its friday again!!! like2!! it's only 11am but im just sit back and relaxing at my room. hehe. Well, tried to do something beneficial at ward but, i've seen most of the patients, know the cases, plus when 1 approched some of them, they refused. (ekceli ade je lg yg mcm boleh di approched, tp bile dah dasar pemalas tu, mmg pemalas jgkla kan!!hehe).. tp kalo ak xbalik Klate ptg ni, mmg nak je masok OT, ade case of perforated appendix, for appendicectomy.. Tp xpelah, xde rezeki. hmmm..
okie2.. now i'll continue my story last night. Mlm td too tired to membebel even hv the urge to do it! hehe.
Okie, as i mentioned earlier, i was on-call yesterday. I followed evening ward round after a teaching session with Mr Chris. When we (doctors n medstudnt) were at A&E, Dr got a phone call from ward, telling that a female patient was not responsive. We rushed to the ward. When we arrived, she was unresponsive. ECG showed asystole. BP unrecordable. Cold peripheries. Then, code blue activated. (code blue is basically referred to an emergency team who is in charge in collapsed patient or other emergency situation). In the meantime, we, the Drs, nurses, and MEDICAL STUDENTS tried to save the patient's life. We followed all the protocols required, resuscitation, before pronouncing the death of the patient.
Erm, we couldnt save the patient, but we tried hard. The main thing that i want to stress here is that, final year medical students have the certificate to do the CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Im so so upset (my colleagues too) when a Dr from medical dept ( i dono why he came as he appeared when the resuscitation was going to end), arrived and dgn muka pelik dan bongkaknya tanye Dr kt situ, why meds students do the CPR? they cant do that, where's HO? (HO tgh cari drugs yg dimintak oleh anesthetist) dan dgn muka blagak tahap x ingat duk membebel kt doktor2 yg tgh sibuk resus, duk ckp itu & ini tanpa buat ape2! hey pleaseee.. menyampah taw x..
Bukan aku saje je x suka his presence kt situ, rupenye Dr2 lain sempat ngumpat die lpas abes tu. huh! Aku geram la, kejadahnya dia dtg semata2 nk kutuk kitorg? Salah ke resus patient? huh! Dhla x kasi kitorg wat CPR! hello, ni bukan A&E ok! ni bukan A&E yang resus team sentiasa bersedia dgn staff yg cukup. Kalo kitorg x buat, sape nk gilir2 buat. Penat taw x wat CPR, dhla biasenye kene wat 1/2 jam at least. X kisahla kalo org nk ckp aku terlebih smangat, pdhal CPR je pon, tp it is an experience taw bile get involve dgn situasi mcm tu. Nak experience, xkanla nk berdiri mcm pohon pinang sebatang kt situ. Kna la proaktif.
Masa kitorg posting A&E, bile kitorg get involved in resuscitating patient, Dr siap ckp tenkiu lg.. kitorg dpt experience taw.. tenkiu ke x, tu bknnye kami mintak, tp at least bg la pluang kitorg hands on. Kalo x practice dari sekarang, masa houseman nnt blurrrr...Si blagak tu plak dah die duk suh HO tu buat, HO tu lg la xde certificate sbenarnye.. (x marah kt Ho ni, HO x bersalah).. tp Dr laki tu mmg la aku geram since ak posting medical lg. Suka underestimate medical student. Dahla jarang pegi ward. Berlagak nk mampos! padahal dia dulu pn student jgk! siyess aku sgt geram, smpai dh tahap emo ni.. geram..
huhu.. sabar ye Hidayah, sabar2.. tgh2 hari Jumaat ni elok bersabar. hehe.. xpe2, ak dh cool down, tp sisa geram tu masih berbaki sikit2 je. Hehe..
Eh dah kul 12 lebih, nk kemas barang, nak balik klate pasni. Bus kul 2.30 hentian Putra. Then ak dtg balik pd hari Isnin naik airasia jam 9.00pg dari Airport Pengkalan Chepa.
ok then, see u later ye.. ade bnyk lg nk cerita.. *wink2*
huhu.. sabar ye Hidayah, sabar2.. tgh2 hari Jumaat ni elok bersabar. hehe.. xpe2, ak dh cool down, tp sisa geram tu masih berbaki sikit2 je. Hehe..
Eh dah kul 12 lebih, nk kemas barang, nak balik klate pasni. Bus kul 2.30 hentian Putra. Then ak dtg balik pd hari Isnin naik airasia jam 9.00pg dari Airport Pengkalan Chepa.
ok then, see u later ye.. ade bnyk lg nk cerita.. *wink2*
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